Tuesday, August 12, 2014

How to Make God Laugh

It's funny; you know, I've always heard that the best way to make God laugh is by telling Him that you have a plan. Well He must have been hooting and hollering these last few years as I TOLD Him what my future would look like.
For as long as I can remember, I have been that kid that loves school. You can ask my mom, my favorite time of year is when new school supplies come out! I've always been good at school and I love learning. The only problem is that I kind of grew into becoming a perfectionist when it came to school. All the way back to elementary school, I HAD to win the "cleanest desk" award. I HAD to be on the A/B Honor Roll. I HAD to get into my first choice school. I HAD to graduate in 4 years and take all the credits I can handle.Well God has taken this experience with Zido and turned all of that around.
In order to succeed with a service dog, you HAVE to admit you need help.  To me, that meant I had to admit to myself and the world around me that I'm not perfect and I don't have it all together. Do you know how hard that is to admit for a perfectionist? God has even used him to show me a new side of school. Because I have to go up to Pennsylvania for 3 weeks, I have decided to drop down to 2 classes for this semester. That will give me less work to have to make up, resulting in less stress, resulting in a healthier start for Zido and I. This might seem like an easy decision for some people or an exciting decision. To me, it was terrifying. It meant that I am choosing to put myself behind and that I may have to go an extra semester. THAT DIDN'T FIT MY PLAN.
But I know that it was always His plan. He's teaching me that it's ok to ask for help. It's ok to take a little time to finish something sometimes. It's ok to not be "perfect". Essentially, it's ok to not have a plan. As long as you choose to live your life in a way that will bring His plan to fruition, then you're going to have a pretty great life.
Thank you again for those of you that have been donating to Zido and me at http://www.gofundme.com/croj9. It's hard to believe that in 4 days you all have given me $2825. Thank you thank you thank you!
Love and blessings,
Zee and Me

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing to learn this lesson at 20 years old! God is the Master Planner and His way is ALWAYS the best:)
