Friday, August 15, 2014

Hi it's Zido!!

Well hey there everybody! My name is the great, the amazing, the oh so adorable...ZIDO! And I always have to remind people it's not's Zido!

Pretty handsome right?

Well I asked Mom if I could write tonight because hey I've never done it before and I thought it would be fun. Also I wanted to let you all know about what has made me ME!
Well it all began 2 years ago on April 10, 2012. It was that day that the world was blessed with my presence. 

Yeah, I know. I was adorable.

I'm not really sure exactly how many brothers and sisters I have, but I know I have at least 3 full brothers and 1 half brother. But see, we are what you people call "bred" so my family tree is actually kind of like a bush. 

Here's a picture of me and Mom and my brother, Stephen, and his human ,Sam.

I was raised in what's called a "Community Home". For the first year of my life, a very lovely mom and daughter loved me and cuddled me and gave me all the treats and obedience classes I needed before going to The University of Canine Partners for Life. That's where they taught us the real stuff.
So during my 2nd year, I lived at CPL and learned how to help people. I think it's really fun because I love having something to do. It feels good knowing that my super duper sniffer can do stuff that'll help someone someday.
Speaking of "someone" I met my mom last week and it was pretty cool! I was with another woman for about a month, and while she was super sweet and fun to be with, we just didn't really work together as well as we could. So she lovingly decided to bring me back. Where I met mom.
Now, I think she's pretty cool and all and she definitely caught my attention with her migraine that first day. But she's just not my Annie. Annie is my trainer and I love her so much. But I know I have to start listening to Mom soon, just not yet ;)

Ew. Mom. Stop. You're embarrassing me.

Anyway, I'm excited for when I start going through training again with Mom! It'll be fun to learn about her weirdness and show her mine! She learned at class today that I LOVE stuffed toys. But not just the toy part...I love the STUFFING! I killed that bunny rabbit!
So I don't really know how to explain how I do what I do, but I just have a super powerful sniffer and it sniffs things you people can't sniff. Like migraines and brain freakiness. And when I smell it, I just can't help but lick the person to warn them it's going to happen! I mean it's for their own good.
Well, I've had a long day of playing and playing and more playing, so I'm going to go rest before dinner. Mom's told me all about what you guys have done for us and I just personally want to say thank you! You're helping me go home :)
Goodbye for now but not forever!
Zee :)

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