Thursday, October 16, 2014

Busy Days

   I realize that I've missed a couple days on's been insanely busy trying to keep up with training and school. But let's do a little catch up!
   Yesterday, we had our first outing with the dogs. We went to Chili's and it was so much fun. Not only was it nice to go somewhere public for the first time in a few days, but it was so amazing when I realized that I had completely forgotten that Zido was laying at my feet. I was so worried when we were going because he was struggling with going under a table during our obstacle course the day before. But, like the champ that he is, we got to the restaurant and he went right under and laid down. I couldn't believe how natural it all felt. That was until he stood up and gave me "the look". I was starting to wonder if he was actually accurate in his alerts because it has been happening so often. I took my heart rate and sure enough it was 127 bpm, after I had been sitting for the past hour and a half. I looked at his trainer and said "Okay, Annie, what do you do if your dog is alerting you right now?" She said, "Well, if you can, you lay down with him until the alert is done." So there, in the middle of Chili's, was me, laying on the ground with my head on one dog and my dog with his head in my lap and my feet on my chair. I knew that it was exactly what needed to be done and it was exactly what I knew would happen when I started with Zido, but it didn't make it any easier. All I wanted to do was cry because I had this vision in my head of my boyfriend and me on a romantic date and the same thing happened. Again, I knew this would be my new life, but it doesn't make it any easier when it happens.
   Today was another really great day. Zido woke up with his usual "happy morning self." My alarm went off and as soon as I opened my eyes, I had the most adorable face right next to me. I can't explain it, but when I look at him or hear his tags jingling behind me when we walk, all I can do is smile.We are bonding so well and everyday it seems like we've grown in our relationship. We headed off to training and at the very end of our day, the strangest alert happened. He stood up and put his head on my lap. I took my heart rate and it was at 110 bpm, but before I could lean back in my anti-gravity chair, the dog beside us started alerting his partner. Then Zido turned back to me and his mouth was chattering. I was really worried that something was wrong with him, but then thought maybe it was a different kind of alert. I stood up, and almost went out. I laid down right where I was and he was right next to me. For 20 minutes, he didn't let me get up. And then, when I forced him to let me stand, he wrapped his leash around me so I couldn't walk. The things that this dog knows just blows my mind.
   I'll try to be better about posting. Tomorrow, we head to TJ Maxx and other shops on a strip mall. I can't wait to show him off to the general public. He's so beautiful and I'm going to groom him especially well tonight.
Love and blessings,
Zee and Me

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