For those of you that have been following our story from the beginning, you might remember that I was in a relationship at the time I was partnered with Zido. Well (for completely unrelated reasons!) soon after I came home with Zido, that relationship ended. I was then faced with the thought of "Who the heck is going to want to be with me now?" I knew of plenty of other service dog partners who were in relationships, but I couldn't think of any that began AFTER the service dog entered the picture. So, as you can imagine, I thought for sure it was just going to be me and Zido from now on, because who would willingly want to be with someone who has a "beacon of difference" next to them all the time?
After a little bit, I started talking to a guy, but that quickly fell through. Then I started talking to another guy, and that eventually fell through, too. To both of their credits, the talking didn't end because of Zido; they both knew I had him and each told me they were fine with it. There just wasn't the connection that should be there in a romantic relationship with either of them.
Then came Zack. We had known each other for over a year, but just as friends. We started texting a little bit and eventually decided to hang out to play pool and ping pong. It was truly one of the best "hang outs" I've ever had. A little bit into the night, the ping pong ball went out of bounds and flew over this little moveable half-wall. Zack is a little over 6' tall, so he was able to go over it with no problem. I, on the other hand, couldn't. I also forgot that I was wearing jeans and that I'm only 5' 5". Needless to say, I did not make it over the wall and instead tripped over it, bringing the wall down with me. It was absolutely humiliating, but after realizing I was okay, we both busted out laughing. Then, to add to the embarrassment of the moment, one of my biggest "date fears" happened...Zido alerted. I wasn't sure how Zack was going to react to me having to sit against the wall while my dog sat on me in front of the other people in the room. It was a pleasant surprise, then, when he immediately just sat down next to me and continued talking like nothing was wrong. I was hooked.
We hung out more and more after that, and eventually it came time for our first "official" date. He asked me to go out on a Saturday night and told me to wear something I felt nice in. When he picked us up, he had a single rose for me,and he told me to give it to Zido so he could hand it to me. He also mentioned that he had a surprise for Zido when our date was done. He took me to Jackson 20 in Old Town Alexandria, which was one of the coolest restaurants I've ever been to.
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Zido giving me Zack's rose |
It was a dessert date, so while we were there we each ordered a dessert and some wine. The food was remarkable but what I'll remember most from the date was the wine. Both of us like a sweeter wine, so when we asked the waiter what he recommended, he told us about this one particular dessert wine. We had never tried it and I told Zack it was too expensive, but he said it was fine and ordered two. When the waiter came out and we saw how completely and utterly SMALL the glasses were, we both immediately started cracking up.
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It was seriously smaller than a shot... |
After we had finished very slowly sipping on the wine, Zack got the check and we left. When we got out of the restaurant, he said it was time for Zido's surprise. I asked what it was and he told me he had gone to this dog-bakery and bought him a few special dog-desserts so he wouldn't feel left out of the date!! Ladies...I swear my heart just burst. It was so sweet of him to think of Zido and I couldn't even get the words out to tell him how much it meant to me. Then we walked around Old Town and ended up in this creepy cemetery. We were just walking through but got really freaked out when Zido kept intensely staring at this one spot and there wasn't ANYTHING there! So we very quickly left...
All in all it was one of the most special nights of my life because it showed me how normal I can feel as a woman with a service dog. When Zack eventually asked me to be his girlfriend a few months later, he made sure to include Zido and has never once said anything about Zido being embarrassing or wishing that I didn't have him with me. If anything, Zack is more protective of Zido in public than I am; he hasn't been afraid to say something to people that make rude comments about Zido and me. Zack and I will be together for a year in June and I can really say that with my two Z's next to me, I've never felt more loved or more protected.
I know, this was a super cheesy post, but it was important to me to show that people with service dogs can (AND DO) live incredibly normal lives. We go on dates, we go to school, we get jobs, we fight, we cry (by the way, Zido is such a typical guy and has NO clue what to do when I'm sobbing. I look up and see that he has brought me almost all of his toys and is just staring at me like "Ummm does this help?"), and we laugh. I have been so blessed to find someone who accepts me for everything that I come with and has accepted Zido into our lives.
Here are some pictures of my time with Zack and Zido. Coming up next on Zee and Me: "Zido Turns 4: A Doggie Birthday Party!"
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Helping out at an event at The Kennedy Center with my boys |
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On Aug 8, 2015, we had a day at the park to celebrate the anniversary of me being partnered with Zido |
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All dressed up for Halloween with my scarecrow and not-so-cowardly lion |
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Playing in the snow in Wisconsin |
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Easter 2016 :) |
Love and blessings,
Zee and Me
Great post! I worry about this for Lukah and Jasper, too, so this post gives me hope that someone perfect is out there for them! ❤️
ReplyDeleteI absolutely promise you there is :) She's still young and I'm certain there will be a man perfect for her and Jasper :) Tell her to be patient and God will bring him to her at the right time
DeleteWhat a great and touching story. Not cheesy at all. You guys are such a cute couple. Toshia
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! Hopefully All life events are still going well!
ReplyDeleteThis is so incredibly inspiring. My doctor never thought I'd reach a point in recovery that I am as functional as I have finally become after more than a decade under intense therapy with him in another state. He attributes a great deal of it to my service dog. Now my husband tells me he has fallen out of love with me and greatly anticipates wanting a divorce. I have been spending the last 15 years solely focusing on trying to heal from serious mental illness, and I was not expecting this at all. Now that I'm finally so much healthier and ready for a relationship, he wants out. So at 42, it worries me that no one will ever want to be with someone with serious mental illness (even if I'm more stable!) and with a service dog. Your story gives me great hope, so thank you!