Friday, October 31, 2014


Hey everyone!
I know it's been a while since I've posted, but as I'm sure you can imagine it's been a busy week. We went on a few field trips to the mall and to Philly! But the biggest accomplishment was today: WE PASSED OUR CERTIFICATION TEST!!!! That's right, we are officially a team. I am so blessed to have this handsome dog at my side at all times and I can't believe it's official. Working with him has been one of the most frustrating and rewarding experiences of my entire life, but I love him more than words can explain.
He's not perfect. I'm not perfect. But together, we are a fantastic team who looks out for each other and loves each other. He's been working so hard and I think someone deserves a good snuggle when we get home. 
2 more days until graduation!!!
Love and blessings,
Zee and Me (official service dog team!)

Saturday, October 25, 2014

So sorry!

Woah had it been almost a week since I last posted?! My apologies everyone! Time really gets away from you when you're in training.
Well we have a had a very busy week! We went on three field trips, which were absolutely fantastic! I love taking Zido out in public, because he's so handsome and is so well behaved. It's my mistakes that I'm worried about.
I think my favorite thing about team training has been watching our relationship build. Yesterday at the zoo, I think I really saw an improvement in our partnership. He's starting to turn to me more and less to the trainers and he's really starting to listen to me when I give commands! It took him a little bit to retrieve some items, but that's to be expected.
He also has more than proven himself as a great alert dog. On Thursday, he alerted me in the middle of class and (no lie) he alerted me for 4 hours. It was a really bad day health wise and Zido was literally on top of me for the entire time. Words can't even explain how safe I feel when he's laying on me. It's like he's protecting me from what's happening within me. By me being able to pet him and focus on his hair, or his eyes, or his heart beat, or his breathing, it gives my brain something to think about outside of what's happening. It's a scary thing when I have an episode because my arms, hands, and legs become completely stiff and I can't move. I also have a hard time breathing so I can work myself up pretty quickly. But I've noticed that having Zido on me is like a pressurized heating pad that can loosen my muscles and give me something to think about.
I feel so blessed by the freedom and peace that he's given me, and it's only been 2 weeks! I can't wait for the many more years to come.
Love and blessings,
Zee and Me

Monday, October 20, 2014

Do You Mind If I Sit Here? On You?

So yesterday was another day of training and laughing. We had a Graduate Support Class so people who have graduated with their dogs came to brush up on skills and ask questions. Also, I'm sure they came to spy on us to make sure we were good teams :P
Right after we had lunch, Zee hopped up from laying down and stared at me. We all know that I got down on the ground and he made himself comfortable next to me. I'm realizing that I can kind of tell when the alerts will come. After I eat, for example, seems to be go-time. It'll be interesting to see if him and I get into a schedule of alerts so I can work things in my life around the alerts.
Well, for those of you that think alert dogs alert, get you to lie down, and you stand up when you feel better, Zido is here to prove you wrong. We have a raffle at training and when your name is called you can pick a prize off the table. There was this bag on it that I had really wanted and I was waiting for my name. Well lo and behold, my name gets called while I'm being alerted. I try to get up. Zido says no. This is what happens:
Yes...he literally laid on top of me. If you think you can get up with 63lbs of lab on you, think again. It was hilarious, but seriously I'm glad he's able to take care of me and keep me down. 
Love and blessings,
Zee and Me

Sunday, October 19, 2014

One Week Done

   I can't even believe it! I feel like just yesterday we were headed to our first day of training, but here we are, one week down. I have learned so much in these few days and I can't even fathom how much my life has changed with Zido. I'm starting to get used to the random face licks during the night and hearing the jingling behind me when I walk. I even told my boyfriend to "look at me" (a command for the dog to hold eye contact with you) when we were Skyping. Training is getting to me!
   Yesterday was a day of fun and games with our dogs! One of the games was like musical chairs, but when the music stopped we had to get our dogs to sit on a small carpet before another team stole your spot. Remember how I've said that Zido refuses to sit on command? Yeah we were the 2nd team out...he did really well with the training section and we had a lot of fun at night playing and cuddling. He's such a sweet dog and loves to wake me up throughout the night to make sure I'm still there or something...
   My boyfriend came up to surprise me and it was the best surprise I could have asked for. I'm really missing home and my friends, so to come home and see him there was just perfect.
   We're heading to the next training now so stay tuned!
Love and blessings,
Zee an Me

Friday, October 17, 2014

Hello Public!

   So like I said before, today we went out to the world. Well, if the world was TJ Maxx, Famous Footwear, Staples, and Starbucks. We had a wonderful experience at all of the stores. The employees were welcoming (overly so with TJ Maxx, since CPL has had issues with them in the past) and the other customers were so kind and interested. Again, I was surprised with how natural it all felt. I mean besides the part that I had to maneuver around shelves and hangers with a 63lb lab at my side, but besides that it was like there was no other way of doing it. Zido was amazing at all the stores; he didn't stick his nose in anything or anybody. He was patient as I looked at stuff. He didn't grumble or whine, so I got him some treats and poop bags! Yay!
   All was well and good until we went into Staples. The employees and customers were fantastic and the experience was wonderful. I was just having a medical crisis. The second I walked into the store, I knew something was wrong. I couldn't focus my eyes, my ears felt full, I was saying and doing things that just weren't me and my brain was saying "Why are you doing that?" My little sidekick knew something was up and he pulled me straight out of the store and onto the floor. Then, he literally sat on me. And I broke down crying. I was scared, frustrated, sick, and confused. Why has this been happening so much? How long have I been ignoring it? Is this what my future will be? Sitting on the dirty nasty ground with a dog in my lap? Well, quite frankly, yes. That's my new life (except I bought a yoga mat, so maybe not so many dirty grounds in my future). But this is what I knew could happen. I never thought it would be happening this much, but what did I expect Zido to do? Sit there and look pretty? No. I expected him to help me and warn me when things were going south. And he has been doing it beautifully. I love him so much and I am so incredibly blessed that he's in my life now. Not only is he adorable, but he's quite useful, too. Guess I get the best of both worlds.
Love and blessings,
Zee and Me

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Busy Days

   I realize that I've missed a couple days on's been insanely busy trying to keep up with training and school. But let's do a little catch up!
   Yesterday, we had our first outing with the dogs. We went to Chili's and it was so much fun. Not only was it nice to go somewhere public for the first time in a few days, but it was so amazing when I realized that I had completely forgotten that Zido was laying at my feet. I was so worried when we were going because he was struggling with going under a table during our obstacle course the day before. But, like the champ that he is, we got to the restaurant and he went right under and laid down. I couldn't believe how natural it all felt. That was until he stood up and gave me "the look". I was starting to wonder if he was actually accurate in his alerts because it has been happening so often. I took my heart rate and sure enough it was 127 bpm, after I had been sitting for the past hour and a half. I looked at his trainer and said "Okay, Annie, what do you do if your dog is alerting you right now?" She said, "Well, if you can, you lay down with him until the alert is done." So there, in the middle of Chili's, was me, laying on the ground with my head on one dog and my dog with his head in my lap and my feet on my chair. I knew that it was exactly what needed to be done and it was exactly what I knew would happen when I started with Zido, but it didn't make it any easier. All I wanted to do was cry because I had this vision in my head of my boyfriend and me on a romantic date and the same thing happened. Again, I knew this would be my new life, but it doesn't make it any easier when it happens.
   Today was another really great day. Zido woke up with his usual "happy morning self." My alarm went off and as soon as I opened my eyes, I had the most adorable face right next to me. I can't explain it, but when I look at him or hear his tags jingling behind me when we walk, all I can do is smile.We are bonding so well and everyday it seems like we've grown in our relationship. We headed off to training and at the very end of our day, the strangest alert happened. He stood up and put his head on my lap. I took my heart rate and it was at 110 bpm, but before I could lean back in my anti-gravity chair, the dog beside us started alerting his partner. Then Zido turned back to me and his mouth was chattering. I was really worried that something was wrong with him, but then thought maybe it was a different kind of alert. I stood up, and almost went out. I laid down right where I was and he was right next to me. For 20 minutes, he didn't let me get up. And then, when I forced him to let me stand, he wrapped his leash around me so I couldn't walk. The things that this dog knows just blows my mind.
   I'll try to be better about posting. Tomorrow, we head to TJ Maxx and other shops on a strip mall. I can't wait to show him off to the general public. He's so beautiful and I'm going to groom him especially well tonight.
Love and blessings,
Zee and Me

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

And the Test Begins

So 3 days done already! I seriously can't believe how fast this is going. I also can't believe how it's possible to love something so much. Zido is slowly becoming my everything (other than God and my boyfriend and family and friends of course!) Today, though, was a day of him starting to test me and see if I'm really up for the challenge that is a service dog.
You see, this is a dog that knows A LOT. Like a lot, a lot. So who would think that the one thing that would make him stare at me for minutes on end would be the simple command "sit". I mean seriously, that's like preschool stuff for these dogs. Well it seems as if it's the perfect command for Zido to test me with. We had our first obstacle course, and he didn't do too bad, but it definitely made me have to step up my game on the "commanding voice" thing. While his command obeying seems quite finicky, his alert is very good. A few more alerts today! I was started to wonder if he was accurate, but I took my heart rate and sure enough it was at 95. I guess this dog works :)
I just finished up some school work and I have a nice little foot warmer at my feet. I guess this part isn't too bad :)
Love and blessings,
Zee and Me

2nd Day and We're Cuddling!

I just got finished grooming the most beautiful sweetest dog in the whole wide world and I couldn't be happier. Zido came back to my host home with me tonight and I can't believe how quickly he's bonding with me. It didn't matter what room I walked in, I could always hear his collar jingling right behind me. The way he looks at me literally gives me butterflies and sometimes I find myself looking at him, just because I can. It's easy to say I'm in love :)
Today was another great day at training! We did some very basic obedience and learne more about clicker training. But the thing I learned the most was that Zido's alert button is definitely not broken. He alerted me twice in class and twice at home.

This is our alert position. He laid right next to me the whole time and it was nothing but beautiful!


I can't believe our second day is done but I'm so excited to have him home. The thing that amazes me is not that he can alert, but how many times he has alerted me so far. I had no idea I experienced this many episodes in one day, but I feel so much safer with him by my side.
Love and blessings,
Zee and Me (finally, it's both of us)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Day 1...DONE!

I can't even believe it...the first day of team training is officially done. And it couldn't have been better!
I woke up at 6 (since I couldn't sleep very well...too excited!) and started to get ready!we headed to CPL and I got there early enough to walk him to the barn, and tell him to "do his business". I never knew watching a dog relieve himself could be so fun! Is that weird? That's weird...anyway we started training and all of a sudden he jumped up and stared at me. I thought he just wanted some treats so I told him to lay down. He did, and then jumped right back up. I told him to lay down again. This went on a couple more times and finally the trainers told me he was alerting!! They got a mat for me and I laid down. Well Zido just didn't know what to do with himself. He laid down next to me, he lifted my head and laid under it, he literally sat on my chest/neck/face. It was amazing and adorable, despite him kind of choking me. All of a sudden he got up, went down by my feet, and he was fine! First alert...check!
We went through the rest of the day with getting to know each other and what to expect these next few weeks. I can't believe it's started but I'm heading to day 2 right now! Tonight I bring Zido home with me for the first time!!!
I'll try to write tonight but they weren't kidding when they say training is exhausting!
Love and blessings,
Zee and Me :)

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Today is the Day!!!

   "Going to the kennel and I'm gonna get Zi-i-ido"  

(Imagine it sung like "Going to the Chapel"...)

   That's right everyone! Today is officially the day that I start my new life with Zido by my side. Well, kinda. Tonight we have our opening dinner, which I heard is an absolute blast. It's not until tomorrow that the training really starts. But I don't care because tonight I get to see my one and only Zido once again.
   Yesterday was a long day of travel trying to get up here, but we finally made it. My parents, boyfriend, and I are all staying at a friend's house, Deanie, who also has a service dog from CPL. Her dog's name is Carlos and he is the most beautiful, snarky, attitude-y chocolate standard poodle I have ever met. We're going to be staying with her a couple of days and I can't believe how blessed we are. She's hysterical, sweet, and has some crazy stories to share! But she's said that she's excited to sit back and watch Zido and me bond, because she's been through it all.
   So far today, I woke up at 7am because I just couldn't sleep any longer. I Facebooked, I Pinterested, I Buzzfeed-ed. 7:30am: I was ready to start this day! My parents were already up, so I went to go wake up my boyfriend, Niko, because...well I thought he just needed to be up and as excited for today as I was! It was like Christmas morning!!
   We all came upstairs to have our coffee, got ready, and went for breakfast at a place nearby. Then my dad, Niko, and I came back home to get some work done. I'm trying to get a head start on the homework that I have for school because I know I will be absolutely exhausted by the end of each day. I've finished my Italian homework, I'm writing a short paper for Italian, and then I'm going to try to read a chapter for my Criminology class but let's be head is not thinking about Italian or Criminology. My brain is counting down until 5pm tonight!
   I'm going to try to post here everyday so everyone can keep up to date with what training holds and maybe as a way for me to let off some stress.
   Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers and I can't wait until I can say: "Hey it's Zido and Courtney here!"
Love and blessings,
Zee and Me (Well just Me for a couple more days!!)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

It's Coming Up Fast!

Hey everyone!
   So training starts in just 3 days!!! Now that there will be more events happening and more updates available, I will definitely be writing on here more so that everyone can follow along with what it means to be the partner of a service dog :)
   I went up to CPL this past weekend for their Open House (and quite honestly, to see my buddy) and it was SO amazing. It was the first time that my boyfriend got to meet Zido and it was the last time that anyone else, besides me, could pet and interact with him. I feel like I have been so overwhelmed with it all, that I've been forgetting to just enjoy every moment. Being able to see my parents and my boyfriend interact with Zido was so incredibly soothing because it was just a snapshot into what my life will look like from here on out.

Here's the first picture of what will be my new life


   So for this past week, Zido has actually been on "restriction" where he has had minimal contact with humans. At first, this just seemed cruel and unusual, but they explained that it's to actually help break the bond he has with other people so that when he comes into the room for training on Saturday, he feels more open to bonding with me. Obviously, he has still had SOME contact with humans this week, but by decreasing the attachment he feels towards his trainers and kennel assistants, he will be better able to attach himself to me. So I guess I really can't complain.
   I've mentioned how incredibly blessed I have been throughout this whole process, but the blessings have still been pouring in. For example, I will be staying at 2 separate houses during my time in Pennsylvania and they will be my "host homes". This decreases the amount I would have had to pay for lodging by literally thousands of dollars. Also, amazing people have still been donating to my GoFundMe sight and the company that my dad works for has donated for Zido. With all of these generous donations, I have been able to pay for everything that I will need for Zido and my 3 weeks, and still have enough to save in case an emergency were to happen. It's nothing but humbling.
I'm so excited to share my story with all of you, so keep checking back in for updates on our training!
Love and blessings,
Zee and Me :)